The Tuckshop at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is a service provided for students and is staffed by volunteers and overseen by a Tuckshop Convenor, Dani Zanchetta. The object of the Tuckshop is to provide a friendly, comfortable environment where the children can purchase nutritious food, prepared under State Health Department guidelines. The aim is to provide a variety of foods to appeal to children and also to adhere to Australian Nutrition Foundation Guidelines.
The tuckshop operates on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8:10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
In order to provide the best service we can for your children, we need volunteers. If you are looking for a way to contribute to the school community and to meet other parents/carers/grandparents, contact our convenor or the school office.
Shifts are available from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m./2:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided so please come along and join the fun. "Many hands make light work" and your child will love seeing you!

Order Tuckshop via the QKR App - NO CASH
All parents and carers have access to the QKR App (pronounced – Quicker) which supports our online tuckshop ordering system. Click here for step by step instructions to register for QKR.
Tuckshop is open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday:
Please place your Breakfast orders before 7.45am.
Students can collect ordered items from the tuckshop window before the first bell 8:10 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Lunch, Afternoon Tea and Birthday Bucket orders to be placed before 8.00am.
Lunch will be delivered and enjoyed while supervised by the teacher in the classroom.
Afternoon Tea can be collected from the tuckshop window.
When you register your child on QKR, it is very important to insert your child's correct class (Year group and Colour) - this ensures orders are delivered to the correct classroom.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School (2023)