School Fees Policy

​Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School Darra exists to provide quality Catholic Education to the families who choose to enrol​ their children. One of the key commitments families make to educate their children at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School is the paying of school fees. School fees are an essential part of the funding for the operating expenses of the school. Each family is expected to commit to the payment of school fees. Families experiencing financial hardship should contact the Principal to discuss any issues relating to your child's school fees.  All issues with regards school fees will be treated confidentially and respectfully.

Fee Payment and Collection Policy

Fees and Levies collected at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart are used for the following purposes which are aligned to the Vision and Mission of the School:

​​Provision of teaching, administrative and classroom support

• Provision of essential resources, materials, and equipment

• Providing activities such as excursions and camps

• Supporting capital works programs and maintaining existing facilities

For families experiencing short-term or long-term genuine inability to pay fees, the College is committed to providing support to ensure that enrolment is not compromised. Please contact the Finance Officer for further information concerning the concession application process.​

The following procedures will be used with regards the billing and collection of school fees.

  1. School fees are charged per term, with payment due in two weeks after statements are sent. 
  2. Unless prior arrangement with the school principal all families with an overdue account in excess  of one month will be sent a reminder letter requesting payment or inviting them to arrange a meeting with the school principal.
  3. Any account that is more than 3 months overdue may be referred to the Parish Finance Committee who may recommend debt collection.​

2025 Fee Calculator 

School Fees can be paid by

  • Cash
  • Direct Debit  Direct Debit Request Form.pdf
  • payment on account
  • payment in instalments (e.g. fortnightly)
  • payment in advance
  • EFTPOS (The School Office has facilities)
  • BPAY – details on monthly Statement of Fees and Levies
  • other arrangements as made confidentially with the Principal


Direct Debit Arrangements

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School offers a direct debit payment plan arrangement to our families to give more flexibility with their payments. Recent changes have been introduced to make the Direct Debit process even more streamlined for our parents.

Our Direct Debit Request forms now have ‘until further notice’ in the end date field which allows parents to complete one form for the duration of their students enrolment, instead of a new form each year as was previously required.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School offers the following payment frequencies for DD payment plans:

Option 1: Weekly – total payment amount divided over 40 weekly instalments from February to November
Option 2: Fortnightly – total payment amount divided over 20 fortnightly instalments from February to November
Option 3: Monthly – total payment amount divided over 10 monthly instalments from February to November
Option 4: Annually – total payment amount paid as a lump sum on date within the February to November period specified by the Account Holder

Forms are available from the school office and also on the Parent Portal and our Website. The completed form needs to be printed, signed then returned to the school either in person or via email to

Please take the time to review the updated Direct Debit Service Agreement which can be found on page 2 of the Direct Debit Request form.

Families who are on a current direct debit plan with no end date can continue with their payment plan but are requested to complete the new Direct Debit Request form.

If you have any queries regarding the new direct debit process, please call Ellen Jensen on 3375 4519 or email